Elinor Field

RCVS specialist in Small Animal Surgery/ Consultant in Soft Tissue Surgery


  • EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
  • RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
  • BVetMed
  • DipECVS

Elinor Field

RCVS specialist in Small Animal Surgery/ Consultant in Soft Tissue Surgery


  • EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
  • RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
  • BVetMed
  • DipECVS

Elinor graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2007 and, following graduation, returned home to work in a busy mixed animal practice in Swansea, South Wales. She rapidly developed an interest in small animal surgery and, after three years in practice, moved back to the Royal Veterinary College to complete a small animal internship. 

Elinor then spent just over three years in the University of Bristol completing a surgical residency, during which time she successfully passed the Australian and New Zealand certificate examinations in small animal surgery. She joined the team at Highcroft Veterinary Referrals in 2016 and became a European specialist in small animal surgery in early 2017. 

In 2021, Elinor set up the ECVS residency training programme at Highcroft Veterinary Referrals and is now programme director at Bristol Vet Specialists.

Elinor is interested in all aspects of soft tissue surgery but particularly enjoys oncology surgery and reconstruction. 

Publications and research:

  • Duodenal Brunner’s gland adenoma causing chronic small intestinal obstruction in a dog. E J Bowen, P Mundy, M S Tivers, H M Syme, P Mantis, B Smyth, S J Baines. J Small Animal Pract 53(2): 136-9 (2012)
  • Indications, outcome and complications with axial pattern skin flaps in dogs and cats: 73 cases. E J Field, G Kelly, D Pleuvry, S J Baines. J Small Anim Pract 56 (12):698-706 (2015)
  • The chemical and ultra-structural analysis of thin plastic films used for surgical attenuation of portosystemic shunts in dogs and cats. E J Field, D J Scurr, M J Piggott, T S Anderson, G P Chanoit.  Res Vet Sci 126:192-198 (2019)
  • A survey of current practices and influences on the choice of suture material, pattern and size used in commonly performed procedures in UK small animal veterinary practice. E J Field, S Hebert, E J Friend, K J Parsons. Vet Rec Open 29:4(1) (2017)
  • Is the caudal auricular axial pattern flap robust? A mulit-centre cohort study of 16 dogs and 12 cats (2005-2016). JLJ Proot, N Jeffrery, WTN Culp, P Buracco, B De La Puerta, JM Williams, JF Ladlow, EJ Field, P Nelissen, RA Tagni, JFA Pope, SJ Baines, JM Liptak, I Nicholson. J Small Animal Pract 60 (2):102-106(2018)
  • Bilateral proximal tibial epiphysiodesis for management of bilateral avulsion fracture of the cranial cruciate ligaments in a dog. E J Field, S J Langley-Hobbs. Vet record case reports 8(4) (2020)
  • Superficial temporal axial pattern flap for facial reconstruction of skin defects in dogs and cats. B DeLa Puerta, P Buracco, J Ladlow, T Emmerson, S Del Magno, E Field, S Baines 62(11): 984-991 (2021)
  • Outcome of superficial brachial axial pattern flaps used to close skin defects in dogs: 16 cases (1996-2019). E Villedieu, M C Norlff, S Del Magno, T Emmerson, E Field, R Hattersley, B De La Puerta, R A Ragni, S J Baines 63(2);136-141 (2022)

Giant splenic myelolipoma in a cat with hyperthyroidism. K E Rolph, B Vidana, E Field JFMS Open Rep 10;8(2) (2022)

Services we offer

Our team of Consultants provide top-quality care in anaesthesia & analgesia, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, diagnostic imaging, emergency and critical care, internal medicine, neurology and neurosurgery, oncology (including radiotherapy), ophthalmology, orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery.


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