Alfonso Rodriguez

Consultant in Anaesthesia and Analgesia


  • RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
  • EBVS European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
  • DipECVAA
  • Vet MVetMed
  • DVM

Alfonso graduated from University Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid in 2014. Following graduation, he worked in a first opinion practice for just over a year. He then joined a Referral Hospital in Madrid, where he completed a 1-year rotating internship, staying on as a member of the Anaesthesia and Analgesia service.

In 2017, Alfonso moved to the UK, where he completed a specialized internship at the University of Liverpool, followed by a 3-year Residency programme in Anaesthesia and Analgesia alongside a Masters course (MVetMed) at the Royal Veterinary College, London.

Alfonso joined Highcroft Referrals in 2021. He enjoys all aspects of his discipline but shows a special interest in mechanical ventilation, anaesthetic management of the critically ill patient and locoregional anaesthesia.

He is a member of the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA) and Sociedad Española de Anestesia y Analgesia Veterinaria (SEAAV). Alfonso successfully passed his exams in December 2023. 

Publications and research:

  • Rodriguez A, Medina-Serra R, Lynch N, Veres-Nyéki K. Erector spinae plane block as part of a multimodal analgesic approach in an anaesthetised horse undergoing dorsal spinous process ostectomy and desmotomy. Veterinary Record Case Reports. 2022;10:2345
  • Rodriguez A, Medina-Serra R, Plested M, Veres-Nyéki K. Measurement of the Larynx to Carina distance to optimize endotracheal intubation in adult cats. A computed tomography retrospective study. J Feline Med Surg. 2022 Aug;24(8):794-799.
  • Rodriguez A, Medina-Serra R, Veres-Nyéki K, Viscasillas J. Transversal approach for the lumbar ESP block in a dog undergoing hemilaminectomy. Vet Anaesth Analg 2021;48(4):625-627.  doi: 10.1016/j.vaa.2021.02.006. 
  • Rodriguez A, Beltran E, Sanchis S, Palacios Jimenez C. Bilateral laryngeal paralysis following a ventral slot surgery in a dog. Veterinary Record Case Reports. 2020;8:e001109.


Services we offer

Our team of Consultants provide top-quality care in anaesthesia & analgesia, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, diagnostic imaging, emergency and critical care, internal medicine, neurology and neurosurgery, oncology (including radiotherapy), ophthalmology, orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery.


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